Noréns Patentbyrå AB
+46 8 545 874 00

More on trademarks

Different types of trademarks

These are the main types of trademarks:

Word mark
A coined or common word, written in capital letters

Word/device mark

A combination of a word and a figurative element

Device mark
A graphic symbol or design without text

Shape marks

The shape of a packaging of goods

Colour marks
A certain colour or a colour combination

Sound marks
A sound or a melody

Position marks
A sign at a certain position on a product

Movement marks
An animation that illustrates a movement

There is furthermore other types such as multimedia marks, scents, holograms etc.

Different expressions and terms

There are different expressions, symbols and terms within the field of trademarks. These appear in various situations. It is an advantage to be familiar with these symbols and terms:


international symbol for registered trademark


international symbol for a trademark that is not registered

Use requirement
         Use requirement means that registered trademarks must be used in registered form during a period of typically five years. If not, they are vulnerable for cancellation.

Declaration of use   
Formal statement that a trademark is used according to the form and scope of the registration.

A possibility to get the same application date as in the first application when filing applications abroad. The opportunity is available for six months after first filing.

A possibility to derive rights from an older national trademark right in a subsequent EUTM registration.