We protect your competitive advantage using patents, trademarks and designs.
Patent | Trademark | Design
OUR SERVICESWe protect your competetive advantage using patents, trademarks and designs.
New Head of IP Attorneys
This week, Fredrik Möllborn was appointed by Noréns' Board of Directors as Head of IP Attorneys with responsibility...
Noréns advises EQT in connection with its acquisition of Mabtech
Noréns advises private equity giant EQT on patent matters in connection with the acquisition of the biotech company...
The Unified Patent Court and the Unitiary Patent come alive
In a sweeping change to the patent system of Europe, legislation regarding the Unified patent court (UPC) and the...
NORÉNS PATENTBYRÅ ADRESS Narvavägen 12, 115 22 Stockholm, Sweden PH +46 8 545 874 00 EMAIL norens@norens.se
Noréns Patentbyrå was founded in 1957.