< PEOPLE Fredrik Möllborn PATENT ATTORNEY & U.S. PATENT AGENT Head of IP Attorneys T +46 8 545 874 20 fredrik.mollborn@norens.se Fredrik Möllborn has a Master’s degree in Engineering Physics from Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden. He has more than 20 years...
< PEOPLE Stefan Lautmann Head of Patents / Patent Attorney T +46 8 545 874 02 M +46 73 981 26 91 stefan.lautmann@norens.se Stefan Lautmann is the Head of Patents at Noréns Patentbyrå. He has more than 15 years of experience of working with intellectual property...
< PEOPLE Sara Demirer Paralegal Trademarks T +46 8 545 874 14sara.demirer@norens.se Sara Demirer joined Noréns in 2017 as a paralegal in the patent department. She has previous experience from industry in-house IP-departments, especially at Sandvik...
< PEOPLE Petra Tollén Waltré PARALEGAL MANAGER / PARALEGAL PATENT & design T +46 8 545 874 26petra.tollen@norens.se Petra joined Noréns in 2017 as a paralegal in the patent department. She has previous experience from other IP law firms. Today she works...